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About Tru Training

Tru Training was born in December of 2013, out of a culmination of my life events.  

In early October of 2013, after the Dallas Cowboys played I was riding my bicycle

down a hill to go back home, and a car swerved, struck me, and threw me into a

light pole (the pole did not stand a chance).  I suffered a broken neck, clavicle, ribs,

I bit through my tongue, cracked all my teeth, nerve damage on the left side of my

eye, and my knee cap permanently sticks out.  

    Thanks to my stubborn nature I looked forward to working toward my recovery,

which started a month later.  I found strength from my mother who was battling

stomach cancer at the time, and got up and started walking 3 miles everyday to

college, Shippensburg University.  I must admit at the time I must of looked crazy

walking down the road with a neck brace, a debilitating limp, and a book-bag.   

After most of the swelling went down in my knee I started to go to the gym

(still in a neck brace), and doing what I could to keep my muscle tone despite the pain

I was in.  

    I started to record my progress on Facebook and Instagram,

and showing people “despite how hard life may throw you down, like a rubber ball you just have to bounce back up higher” (President Bill Clinton).  The more I shared the more people who started to ask me for fitness advice.  I have been active all my life from doing martial arts since I was a young kid to working out for NFL scouts and coaches, so I used what I learned and what I have taught to others to help myself and the people who came to me for advice.  By December I got such a positive feedback from my results, and people asking me to create a workout and diet plan for them that I decided to create an online fitness coaching business just to make a little extra money.  

    When I finished college I went back home to be with my mother who was recovering from chemotherapy, and like any other graduate I started looking for a new career.  Which led me to a job interview in Connecticut, but I found out that my mother would have to go through another round of chemotherapy so I made the decision to stay close to home.  I tried to get a good paying job around my area but there was nothing, so I decided to take what was lacking in my community and be a leader in health and fitness.  I got my personal training certification from NCCPT National Council for Certified Personal Trainers), and then Tru Training was born!  I decided to take my love of helping people and my love of fitness, cooking, and learning about the human body to the next level.   

So now that you know a little about me let me say that I am excited to start this journey with you and creating a new healthy lifestyle. I will be there every step of the way providing motivation and information to better help you reach your goals. To give you a little summary of what it takes to reach your goals, let me start with the diet. A lot of these diets you see on T.V or read about don’t work because they are too restrictive and unbalanced. Just counting calories and cutting out certain types of foods is not a logical approach to being, and staying healthy. If anything the only thing we should restrict is the amount of meat, sugar, and saturated fats we have in our diet.

The key to living a healthy life is balance, and knowledge. The main problem most diets have is that they try to cut out sweets all together. However, you can have sweets without having a negative effect on the body, just as long as you know when to eat it. Once you know what to eat and when to eat, you can easily achieve a healthy lifestyle without a chance of relapse, and your goals of losing or gaining weight  will happen.  Meal prepping, planning your food throughout the week and having healthy snacks on hand are excellent ways to stay on track.

One of the things I require you to do is download a fitness tracking app so I can personally track your performance  and caloric intake. These apps plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy diet, and better understanding what you are using to fuel your body. For the exercise portion all you need is a minimum of 30 min a day to start changing your metabolism, and the way your body breaks down sugars and fats. Even walking at a fast pace for 30 min will end up being beneficial in the long run. Workouts in the 10-20 min range that you might see on advertisements are not as beneficial to you as a 30 min workout, but they have a higher intensity. Therefore, if you do those make sure you have perfect form to get the maximum benefit of that exercise.

Let’s get Started!!  No Excuses!



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